Planned Behavior in Overcoming Cognitive Dissonance in Ritual Activities of Homecoming (Case Study of Homecoming Travelers Using Motorcycle)

Abdul Latief, Ahmad Sihabudin, Dewi Widowati
2020 Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences  
Homecoming in Indonesia has become national traditions. One of transportation for homecoming is a motorcycle. Homecoming by motorcycle has many limitations and raises quite a high risk, as well as an appeal not to go home on a motorcycle from the government, but many still go home on a motorcycle. This study aims to find out what dissonances appear in the travelers who ride motorcycles, and how the travelers' behavioral, normative and control beliefs in dealing with this dissonance. This
more » ... h uses qualitative case study methods and data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, with analysis using Theory of Cognitive Dissonance and The Theory of Planned Behavior. Research activities on homecoming are included in the single case category, which researchers carry out on homecoming activities during the Eid al-Fitr homecoming moment in 2019 instead of May-June 2019, with research 18 informants. The results showed that found cognitive dissonance conditions in the homecoming activities they live. This Dissonance is indicated from the finding that there is denial of one element which is then followed by or following other elements. This research also reveals the effort to eliminate dissonance using 3 (three) elements of The Theory of Planned Behavior, namely Behavioral belief, control belief, and normative belief, which are in line with the methods used by TCD in eliminating dissonance. This research also reveals elements of behavioral belief to overcome cognitive dissonance.
doi:10.9734/arjass/2020/v12i230188 fatcat:7n27xvwrubar5iva7myqoa2hsy