Filtering Method for Location Estimation of an Underwater Robot

Nak Yong Ko, Tae Gyun Kim
2014 IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation  
A based on Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) and Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO) for path planning of the robot is proposed. First the grid method is built to describe the working space of the mobile robot, then the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree algorithm is used to obtain the global navigation path, and the Particle Swarm Optimizer algorithm is adopted to get the better path.Computer experiment results demonstrate that this novel algorithm can plan an optimal path rapidly in a cluttered
more » ... nment. The successful obstacle avoidance is achieved, and the model is robust and performs reliably.
doi:10.11591/ijra.v3i3.5963 fatcat:65ddoho3l5gcljckg6itlov4hy