Geology of the Jewel Cave SW Quadrangle, Custer County, South Dakota [report]

1963 unpublished
PLATE 20. Geologic map and section of the Jewel Cave SW quadrangle, South Dakota. 21. Lithology of the Minnelusa Formation. 22. Major lithologic units of the Inyan Kara Group. p FIGURE 43. Index map of the Black Hills_--___-__--____-__________ 44. Lithology of the Spearfish Formation____________________ 45. Geologic map showing the truncation of basal siltstones of the Lakota Formation.___________________________________ 46. Diagrammatic cross section showing interfingering of B! channel
more » ... ne and carbonaceous siltstone-______ _________ 47. Direction of dip of cross strata in the Si sandstone-.-_______ 48. Direction of dip of cross strata in the S5 sandstone__-_______ 49. Sections of the Dewey fault-__________-_-_____--_______ 50. Lower part of the collapse breccia in the Minnelusa Formation. _ ________---_____--__---_.__________________ 51. Small breccia pipe that penetrates the Minnekahta Limestone _ 52. Cross section E-E' of plate 20______._____-___-____ 53. Thrust fault which passes upward into small fold---_-_____ 54. Bearing of the axes of minor folds in the Minnekahta Limestone.
doi:10.3133/b1063g fatcat:pgjuaipzn5gzzn7eriku47ivee