PRECLINICAL TRIALS OF "OROKS" (oral solution, 250ml/500ml)

X.G. Ganieva G.M. Kholturaeva
2022 Zenodo  
Acid-base balance disorders complicate the course of many diseases, being the most important component of the most diverse nosological forms of pathology, including such typical pathological processes as inflammation, fever, shock and others. The effect of the drug on acid-base balance was studied on the model of acute normobaric hypoxia with hypercapnia. The study was performed on 18 laboratory rats weighing 109-130 grams. According to the results of the study, after extraction from a sealed
more » ... ssel, the rats of the control group differed sharply from the intact animals by blood pH values. In animals treated with "Oroks", blood pH was 7.19 ± 0.018.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7457713 fatcat:3wmdvkbizzaohkjmgchj2sjwbi