Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research. Annual Report 2014

What we see depends on our standpoint. An object of interest can be regarded from a distance or close up. Only by changing our perspective can we get the full picture and ensure that we are not overlooking important details. In order to identify as many of these details as possible, we need a trained and analytical eye -in a figurative sense, this also applies to finding solutions to the societal challenges of our time. It is precisely the systemic view taken by the Fraunhofer ISI -resul ting
more » ... om a combination of different disciplines -that is valued by our clients from government, industry, science and society. This is based on many years of scientific expertise and even allows us to take a look ahead at possible developments in society. We regard innovations as a complex process. Researching them is a difficult but not unsolvable task. This was our motivation once again in 2014 to conduct research on socially relevant topics such as the Energiewende, data security or the mobility of the future. Our core competences "Understanding innovation systems", "Empirical evidence", "Holistic evaluation", "Designing futures" and "Policy analysis and design" help us to address these important topics. These core competences dovetail, complement each other and are applied to all the institute's research topics and research fields. Their interplay forms the foundation of the research and consultation activities of the Fraunhofer ISI and ensures our clients receive scientificallysound results. The Fraunhofer ISI put forward various proposals related to the fourth industrial revolution "Industry 4.0" at the Hannover Messe on how enterprises can ensure their viability in the future and adapt to rapidly changing conditions. Research results on the factory of the future were presented that can help companies improve their competitiveness and flexibility. It is becoming increasingly important for decisionmakers in industry and government to develop strategies for tomorrow today and not only be prepared for social and technological trends, but actively participate in shaping them. Like this year's annual report, the Fraunhofer ISI also takes different perspectives when analyzing and evaluating complex issues: areas like technology and ecology play a role here as do politics, society, the economy and science. The possibility to assess the potentials and consequences of www.isi.fraunhofer. de
doi:10.24406/publica-fhg-299087 fatcat:5oakmsyp7vhhxjue3b2asdtow4