Can Government Intervention Make Firms More Investment-Ready? A Randomized Experiment in the Western Balkans

Ana Paula Cusolito, Ernest Dautovic, David McKenzie
2019 Review of Economics and Statistics  
Innovative firms with good ideas may still struggle to fine-tune them to the stage where they can attract outside funding. We conduct a five-country randomized experiment that tests the impact of an investment readiness program. Firms then pitched their ideas to independent judges. The program resulted in a 0.3 standard deviation increase in the investment readiness score. Two years later, the average impacts on firm investment outcomes are positive, but small in magnitude, and not
more » ... significant. Larger and statistically significant impacts on receiving outside funding occur for smaller firms, and for firms with lower likelihoods of otherwise being funded.
doi:10.1162/rest_a_00882 fatcat:wck5qgaog5ey5dxs7jj3qq4sfe