A Miniaturized UWB Antenna for Wireless Dongle Devices

F. Viani, L. Lizzi, R. Azaro, A. Massa
2008 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters  
In this letter, a planar Ultra WideBand (UWB) antenna suitable for the integration in wireless Universal Serial Bus (USB) dongles is described. The antenna has a bandwidth equal to 2 GHz from 3 GHz up to 5 GHz with return loss values below −10 dB in the whole frequency range. To comply with UWB system needs, the antenna presents good distortionless properties when employed in a TX/RX system. Moreover, thanks to its simple shape and miniaturized geometry, the proposed prototype can be easily
more » ... grated and printed on dongle PCBs. In order to assess the reliability and efficiency of the antenna, a selected set of results from the experimental validation are shown and compared with the outcomes of the numerical simulations carried out during the synthesis process. Index Terms Miniaturized antenna, UWB antenna, Wireless USB dongle application.
doi:10.1109/lawp.2008.2002904 fatcat:xu5yxr2z7jg2hepd53ox2nyujm