Knowledge, Attitude and Socio-cultural Beliefs of Adolescent Girls towards Menstruation

Anju Kapoor, Smriti Khari
2016 Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society  
<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Knowledge regarding physiology of menstruation and hygienic practices are poor in adolescent girls. Deep rooted social beliefs make their attitude more negative.</p><p><strong>Material and Methods: </strong>In a hospital based cross sectional study, one hundred adolescent girls who have attained menarche were interviewed with a pre-validated semi-structured questionnaire to assess their knowledge, experiences, effect of mother's education on menstrual hygienic
more » ... ractices and factors affecting their positive and negative attitude.</p><p><strong>Results: </strong>Mean age of menarche was 13.28 (SD ± 1.42) years. Mothers were the first informant to 56% girls. Only 11% girls knew that menstruation is a normal biological phenomenon and 28% girls were mentally prepared before menarche. Readymade pads were being used by 46% girls. Most girls were forced to follow various restrictions during menstruation. Maternal education was significantly associated with use of readymade pads (p-value 0.031). Significant positive correlation was seen between premenarchal preparedness to pleasantness (r = 0.3215; p = 0.001) while negative correlation was found between preparedness to secrecy (r = -0.1549; p = 0.124), annoyance (r = -0.1421; p = 0.158) and worrying thoughts (r = - 0.2074; p = 0.038). Negative correlation was also seen between years of experience with menses to secrecy and worrying thought (r = -0.0162; p = 0.872 and r = -0.1033; p = 0.864 respectively).</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>There is significant lack of knowledge, poor hygienic practices and negative attitude among adolescent girls that needs to be addressed by educating them and their mothers.</p><p>J Nepal Paediatr Soc 2016;36(1):42-49</p>
doi:10.3126/jnps.v36i1.14386 fatcat:s2zfeym4wfdzvj4fdmhcrsrupa