Use of Coal Waste as Fine Aggregates in Concrete Paving Blocks

Cassiano Rossi dos Santos, Juarez Ramos do Amaral Filho, Rejane Maria Candiota Tubino, Ivo André Homrich Schneider
2013 Geomaterials  
The aim of this work was to study the use of coal waste to produce concrete paving blocks. The methodology considered the following steps: sampling of a coal mining waste; gravity separation of the fraction with specific gravity between 2.4 and 2.8; comminution of the material and particle size analysis; technological characterization of the material and the production of concrete paving blocks. The results showed that the coal waste considered in this work can be used to replace conventional
more » ... nd as a fine aggregate for concrete paving blocks. This practice can collaborate in a cleaner coal production.
doi:10.4236/gm.2013.32007 fatcat:z7xwe7mwhfgozahmx34rdcr6cy