University, Church, and Social Change: The Case of Catholic Colleges in Ontario, 1931-1961

Brian F. Hogan
1994 Historical Studies in Education  
This paper is based upon research covering the period 1931-61 and is aimed at examining relationships between Roman Catholic social teaching and conse quent social action within the Province of Ontario. The seven studies constituting the research focused on six distinct areas in and around the cities of Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, and Sudbury. Excluding seminaries or theologates, four of these cities contained one Catholic post-secondary institu tion, typically identified as an
more » ... Arts and Science' college or university, and the city of Ottawa contained two such institutions.
doi:10.32316/hse/rhe.v6i3.4618 fatcat:ceceylggqfdape66sha7hcwuri