Research on the Canonical Correlation between Employment and Economic Development in China

Jie Wang, Hong-Mei Li
2018 Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Education and Development (ICED 2018)   unpublished
As China's labor resources and employment problems become more and more serious, it is crucial that exploring the relationship between employment and economic development. Through corresponding analysis, we conclude that the developed cities are dominated by the tertiary industry and employees in these areas are generally highly educated. In addition, we use a canonical correlation analysis to analyze the relationship between employment and economic development. The results show that: the per
more » ... pita GDP, the investment in education funds and the economic proportion of the tertiary industry are closely related to the average employment wage and structure.
doi:10.2991/iced-18.2018.38 fatcat:uk5y324frverxdcuavysguvwsa