Interpersonal Computer for Teaching Arithmetic and Reading Skills

Miguel Nussbaum, Cristian Alcoholado, Arturo Tagle, Lianet Rodriguez
2012 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
The question this paper addresses is how can we get the same benefits of active participation and personal feedback that a computer provides at the cost of just a dollar per child per year? The answer is an Interpersonal Computer, in our case consisting of a PC, a projector, and a mouse for each child participating in the activity. The experimental work performed in mathematics illustrates how the systematic use of an Interpersonal Computer improves the effectiveness of learning, while our
more » ... ience with language show us the importance of quality feedback mechanisms incorporated into the interactive system.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.05.137 fatcat:4vjvodrjsfhrva3a5dgrca7qse