Statistical model predictions for particle ratios atsNN=5.5TeV

J. Cleymans, I. Kraus, H. Oeschler, K. Redlich, S. Wheaton
2006 Physical Review C  
Particle production in central Pb-Pb collisions at LHC is discussed in the context of the Statistical Model. Predictions of various particle ratios are presented with the corresponding choice of model parameters made according to the systematics extracted from heavy-ion collisions at lower energies. The sensitivity of several ratios on the temperature and the baryon chemical potential is studied in detail, and some of them, which are particularly appropriate to determine the chemical freeze-out
more » ... point experimentally, are indicated. We show that the anti-p / p ratio is most suitable to determine the baryon chemical potential while the Omega / K and Omega / pi ratios are best to determine the temperature at chemical freeze-out.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.74.034903 fatcat:rq3youfx3na4lpfarxzasdiski