Novel Approach of Cryptography by Hybridization of ECC and Diffie-Hellman with Blowfish Method in Cloud Environment

Tanmaya Mahandru, Ramanjot Kaur
2018 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Cloud computing is an emerging field in information technology field. It is growing very fast and provides the effective services to the users in every field. Cloud stores the data in huge amount on it and it is the main issue to handle the data with proper security. For providing the security to the cloud data many techniques are used by different service providers. In this paper we proposed the Hybrid Blow Fish algorithm combined with AES. Both the algorithms are encryption algorithm which
more » ... vides the security to the user at sender end as well as receiver end.
doi:10.5120/ijca2018916422 fatcat:zgilk7pgqvbfvdtmvpo7mna2gi