The Impact of the Epidemic on Employment

Nan Nan (Nancy)
2021 Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research   unpublished
From 2019, COVID-19 has been sweeping the world at an extremely rapid pace. The disease is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2, which is highly contagious and transmitted in a variety of ways, such as saliva, sweat, and droplets. And the number of deaths and infections around the world reached a peak. Therefore, to effectively control the spread of COVID-19, countries decided to adopt mandatory quarantine measures, that is, isolation at home, not going out. The
more » ... e proved effective in controlling the COVID-19 but it also created other problems. With people isolated from their homes, many companies are losing money and having to lay off workers to control costs. In this case, the amount of unemployment in each country has also reached a certain height. Many industries have been hit hard. At this time, with the control of COVID-19 on the agenda, the problem of unemployment has become one of the most important problems to be solved. In view of this situation, the United States and China, the two major representative countries of developed and developing countries, bear the brunt of this situation, the two countries have taken corresponding measures considering their national conditions. China is using quarantine measures; the US is mainly using financial support as a strategy. As it stands, the measures taken in both countries are helping to contain COVID-19. Unemployment is also improving step by step.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.211209.539 fatcat:skj5gicbxvfilgugprkia54eoi