The Main Phenotypic Characteristic of Elida, a New Luffa Cultivar Created at Vegetable Research Development Station Buzău, Romania

Ion GHERASE, Elena BARCANU, Ovidia Loredana AGAPIE, Bianca Elena TĂNASE, Costel VÎNĂTORU
2021 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture  
Luffa cylindrica also known as sponge gourd, Egyptian cucumber or Vietnamese luffa is an annual cucurbit vine native South Asia. In India, China, Japan and Vietnam the crop is cultivated on large areas, being a plant with multipurpose uses. Since 1962 at Vegetable Research Development Station (VRDS) Buzau, has begun the acclimatization of this species, but, although it was heavily promoted, no Romanian variety has been registered so far. The present study aims to present the main quantitative
more » ... aracteristics of the new variety obtained at VRDS Buzau, 'Elida'. The cultivar has a distinct phenotypic expressiveness with high quality fruits. Since year 2020 the cultivar was registered in the Official Catalogue of Romanian Crop Plants. 'Elida' has shown a high plasticity and can also be grown in ecological system.
doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-hort:2021.0018 fatcat:2xpyafk6l5attabcjbwlmdr7lq