NLO corrections to electroweak and QCD production of W+W+ plus two jets in the POWHEG BOX
Barbara Jäger, Giulia Zanderighi
Journal of High Energy Physics
We present the matching of the next-to-leading order QCD calculation for W+W+jj production via vector-boson fusion in hadronic collisions to parton-shower Monte-Carlo programs according to the POWHEG method. Our implementation complements existing code for QCD-induced W+W+jj production in the POWHEGBOX package, thereby providing a platform for the complete Standard Model production of W+W+jj events via QCD and electroweak interactions. The impact of parton-shower effects is discussed for
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... distributions and found to be small in most cases. However, few observables, that are relevant for analyses using a central jet veto, are modified significantly when they are interfaced to a parton shower program.