Characteristics of continuous attention to visual and auditory channels of children aged 12-14 years: An ERP study [post]

Bingbing Yu, Enguo Wang
2022 unpublished
Vision and auditory are the main channels for people to obtain information.Children's cognitive processing such as reading, calculation and thinking all depend on the participation of continuous attention, which is the guarantee for many cognitive processing processes to proceed smoothly. The characteristics and neural mechanism of continuous attention of children's visual and auditory channels are not clear. In this study, children aged 12 to 14 were tested using the method of Event-Related
more » ... entials, CNV using an experimental paradigm, subjects were investigated visual and auditory channel of sustained attention in the process.The results showed that children aged 12 to 14 to keep the capacity is in rapid development period, from behavioral data, visual reaction channel relative to the auditory channel significantly delayed, visual channel P300 amplitude was significantly greater than the auditory channel.The results suggest that the visual channel needs to pay more cognitive resources. From the late CNV component, the average volatility of the auditory channel is significantly greater than the visual channel, auditory channel of sustained attention capacity significantly better than the visual channel.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:fofhw2pumzarjlhj5hgyhfblty