Electromagnetic Analysis of Transient Forces Due to Disrupted Plasma Currents on the ITER Shield Modules

J.D. Kotulski, R.S. Coats, M.F. Pasik
2007 2007 IEEE 22nd Symposium on Fusion Engineering  
This papelr desclribes the electlromagnuetic anaalysis that has beena completed usinag the OPERA-3d product I;o charact;erize TT. ELECTROMAGNETIC MODELING the folrces ona the ITE1R shield modules as palrt of the conuceptual designa. These forces exist due to the ilnteracti;oln of tlhe eddy A. Shield Model culrrenuts inaduced inu the shield modules anud the lalrge magnuetic The solid mnodels of the shield lmodules used for the fields prgesen in th;e tokamak.lli electr=omagnlSetic analElysi arEe of courfse aE simpElification Of thle
doi:10.1109/fusion.2007.4337943 fatcat:nh53z7wihnffrp4rrr4gvu7fqe