Evaluation of Bioagents and Biofertilizers for the Managament of Seed and Seedling Diseases of Sesamum indicum (Sesame)

Venturla Bharathi, Ravuru Sudhakar, K. Parimala, Vishnuvardhan A. Reddy
2013 International journal of phytopathology  
The study was carried out to evaluate the response of biopeticides and biofertilizers on seed mycoflora and seed quality parameters of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Untreated Sesame seeds were collected from farmers of Nizamabad and Karimanagar districts of Andhra Pradesh in India and discolored seeds were separated and treated with biofertilizers and biopesticides alone and in combination form. The seed mycoflora of Sesame seeds were screened by using Potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium and
more » ... k dox agar media. The results indicate that maximum numbers of fungi were recorded on PDA. The untreated seeds were found to be associated with maximum percent incidence of mycoflora and minimum population was recorded in the treatment of Trichoderma + Pseudomonas formulation followed by Azat obacter + Trichoderma, Pseudomonas and Azatobacter in the decreasing order of efficacy. This study also showed relation of biofertilizers and biopesticides and seed mycoflora on seed germination. Germination percentage was maximum in the treatment Trichoderma + Pseudomonas formulation, Azatobacter + Trichoderma, Pseudomonas and Azatobacter recording 96%, 94%, 90% and 88%, respectively. In the control, germination percentage was minimum compared with other treatments. Seeds treated with the mixed formulation were found beneficial in reducing the pathogenic fungi and decreasing seedling mortality.
doi:10.33687/phytopath.002.03.0365 fatcat:yirkohupgnfu7igbku6fpmn2pe