1P-147 Motility of single molecules of kinesin and cytoplasmic dynein in the presence of many molecules of motor proteins on microtubules(Molecular motor, The 47th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
1P-147 キネシンと細胞質ダイニンが混在する微小管上における各分子モーターの一分子運動解析(分子モーター,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)

Keitaro Shibata, Ken'ya Furuta, Masaki Edamatsu, Yoko Toyoshima
2009 Seibutsu Butsuri  
Takeuchi ( 1 ) 〔 r ' ノ ) ln. fi ' tilrltc ' of lndtt . yrriai Science , The VniversitJ / qf τok . yo ) 、 yee ITP4 −Ol N − methy1 − D − aspartate receptors 〔 NMDARs ) Looated in Lh巳 posLsynapti じ mcmbrane in the s } 「 napse exchange with Lllosc located eutside the synase , providing imp〔,rtallt means fDr regulating the efficacy 〔 } f synaptic transmission . However 、 the mechanislns for the excllange and the outside pool of NMDARs havc not been understood . NMDARs in tle synapsc might exchange
more » ... 山 those in the plasma membran 巳 wilhin a sccond by latera 且diffusion ( Groc 巳t aL , 2006) . or wi しh the unkllown じytoplasmic pool in minules ( Sharma じt al. , 2006). Here, we examined the dynaniics oll YFP −NMDAR express . ed Ln hippocampal neurons . ( 1) Single− molecu 且 e tracking of NMDAR showed it-diffus . ion outside the synapse , wi 出 imermitしellt tenlporary 亡rapping at dle rece ρ tor cluslers . ( 2 ) In poin亡 一 TIRF − FRAP experilnents using a diffraction limjLcd spot of −l miGrons in diamcter , bleaching a singie in山 vidual NMDAR cluster aL a Limc , the mobile f『action represcntcd − 4090 and 声 20% with a ha げ 一 reco ・ ery time o1 ' 一 ・ 2 min alld −・ 3min in younger ( 7 − daン old) and 〔 )ld じr ( 21 − day old ) neu 【 ・ ons , sllowing 山 at exchanges eccur more s工 ow . ly as neurons mature . ( 3)Arcal TIRF − FRAP experiments , wherc an 訂 ca ol ' ・ −20 microns in diameter was bleached, practically gave thc same result as the poin トEpi −FRAP exanlinations . These results indicate that extcnsive cxchanges occur with the Gytoplasmic pool via ondocyk } sis −exoeytosis tlat occurs near or at thc synapse , and suggest that lateral diffusion of NMDAR ± ' acilitates the trafftc between the synapse and the membranc insertion / internalization siLes .
doi:10.2142/biophys.49.s85_9 fatcat:ce74yps6e5aepny7qt3pskju6a