Nursing Aotearoa New Zealand and the establishment of the COVID-19 National Close Contact Service: A critical discussion

Caz Hales, Victoria University of Wellington, Deborah Harris, Helen Rook, Victoria University of Wellington, Victoria University of Wellington
2021 Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand  
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in inestimable morbidity and mortality across the globe. The healthcare and political leadership of the pandemic within Aotearoa New Zealand has been internationally recognised. The pivotal role of nurses and nursing practice in the establishment of National Close Contact Service (NCCS) has been fundamental in protecting the health of our nation. Using exemplars, and the themes of shared human vulnerability and professional authority, this critical discussion
more » ... raws on theoretical and philosophical nursing perspectives to demonstrate the authors' involvement in the establishment of the NCCS.
doi:10.36951/27034542.2021.041 fatcat:zod5i6tojvd3nfvmwvhksr5ibq