Big Data Analysis to Expand Support for Cervical Cancer Vaccine

Ji-Hye Noh, Department of Information and Statistics, Chungnam National University, Yu-Ra Choi, Yun-Seon Choi, Seong-Taek Park
2021 International journal of emerging multidisciplinary research  
Background/Objectives: This study is a basic stage of research to expand support for cervical cancer vaccines. Methods/Statistical analysis: Data was collected and refined and analyzed using R and Excel, which are statistical tools for big data analysis. A survey was conducted on college students in their 20s and tried to analyze it. Findings: In addition, as a result of conducting a correlation analysis with the factors affecting cervical cancer through R, it was found that they were related
more » ... each other. Improvements/Applications: The results of this study suggested the need for cervical cancer vaccine support from the government and suggested ways to expand it.
doi:10.22662/ijemr.2021.5.3.010 fatcat:ghnwc6f4yjatndkegpo3i3rd24