Climate Adaptation: Reliably Predicting from Imbalanced Satellite Data

Ruchit Rawal, Prabhu Pradhan
2020 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)  
The utility of aerial imagery (Satellite, Drones) has become an invaluable information source for crossdisciplinary applications, especially for crisis management. Most of the mapping and tracking efforts are manual which is resource-intensive and often lead to delivery delays. Deep Learning methods have boosted the capacity of relief efforts via recognition, detection, and are now being used for non-trivial applications. However the data commonly available is highly imbalanced (similar to
more » ... real-life applications) which severely hampers the neural network's capabilities, this reduces robustness and trust. We give an overview on different kinds of techniques being used for handling such extreme settings and present solutions aimed at maximizing performance on minority classes using a diverse set of methods (ranging from architectural tuning to augmentation) which as a combination generalizes for all minority classes. We hope to amplify cross-disciplinary efforts by enhancing model reliability. * Equal contribution. † Part of the work done at GCDSL, Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc Bangalore)
doi:10.1109/cvprw50498.2020.00047 dblp:conf/cvpr/RawalP20 fatcat:3obk2qrw7vd55ghktmj2wbdlei