Understanding AKIS – How to ensure we do not overlook key actors and their interactions?

Susanne V. Münchhausen, Anna Maria Häring, Andrew Fieldsend, Mark Redman, Marleen Gyskens, Janusz Dabrowski, Gaby Molinera, Jekaterina Markow, Amandine Menet
2021 Zenodo  
Since researchers and individual farmers or foresters are consortium partners, both are identified key AKIS actors driving and engaging in interactive innovation projects. Supply chain and other businesses as well as innovation support organisations including AKIS-related NGOs emerge also as relevant actors or stakeholders depending on the individual structure and innovation process of the consortia. Classical public or private farm advisors are in a similar position, they are listed but there
more » ... s now evidence from the LIASON fieldwork that they play a more prominent role than the other innovation service providing organisations. Since funding programmes tend to explicitly require the involvement of farmers, researchers and advisors in co-innovation projects, the variety of the other types of organisations indead risk to be overlooked although they are not less prominent than the farm advisors.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6348039 fatcat:qijc3ypyprd4znj6kythk365ri