Energy System Monitoring Based on Fuzzy Cognitive Modeling and Dynamic Clustering

Vadim Borisov, Maksim Dli, Artem Vasiliev, Yaroslav Fedulov, Elena Kirillova, Nikolay Kulyasov
2021 Energies  
A feature of energy systems (ESs) is the diversity of objects, as well as the variety and manifold of the interconnections between them. A method for monitoring ESs clusters is proposed based on the combined use of a fuzzy cognitive approach and dynamic clustering. A fuzzy cognitive approach allows one to represent the interdependencies between ESs objects in the form of fuzzy impact relations, the analysis results of which are used to substantiate indicators for fuzzy clustering of ESs objects
more » ... and to analyze the stability of clusters and ESs. Dynamic clustering methods are used to monitor the cluster structure of ESs, namely, to assess the drift of cluster centers, to determine the disappearance or emergence of new clusters, and to unite or separate clusters of ESs.
doi:10.3390/en14185848 fatcat:2fj3xtue6zforhyslx37qmjs3a