Inmates' Readiness for Social Reintegration Inventory: A Test to Measure Preparedness of Inmates in New Bilibid Prison Minimum Security Compound for Reintegration to Society

John Mark Distor
2018 Zenodo  
The Philippine Department of Justice estimated that nearly three quarters of all released prisoners will be rearrested within five years of their release and about 6 in 10 will be reconvicted. In order to avoid recidivism, inmates need to be prepared for their release in the society. Thus, the researchers constructed a test entitled "Inmates' Readiness for Social Reintegration Inventory", which measures the preparedness of inmates in New Bilibid Prison minimum security camp through six factors:
more » ... Institutional Life; Family and Marital; Education and Employability; Financial; Social Relationships and Accommodation; and Addiction and Vices. Ergo, the research questions are as follows: Is the test valid and reliable; and, what are the norm scores of the population? Accordingly, the test was administered to 100 inmates in NBP minimum security camp aged 21 to 93 via quota sampling. Content validity ratio was used for item validity and shows the 121 questions that passed the CVR out of 140 items. The Cronbach's alpha result yielded a 0.914 value and KR-20 of 0.839 value, both showing a good measure of reliability. All of IRSRI's factors, except for Education & Employability (alpha = 0.199; KR-20 = 0.104), has shown good internal consistency, with an alpha ranging from 0.594 to 0.790 and a KR-20 ranging from 0.513 to 0.729. The poor internal consistency of the Education & Employability can be accounted from its few items. On this basis, the IRSRI is considered to be a valid and reliable tool to measure the inmates' readiness for social reintegration.).
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7081418 fatcat:v2mskhss5ba7nlqoxvcilessp4