EUV Photochemistry of α-Substituted Antimony Carboxylate Complexes

Michael Murphy, Maximilian Weires, Nitinkumar S. Upadhyay, Philip Schuler, Shaheen Hasan, Greg Denbeaux, Robert L. Brainard
2021 Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology (Fotoporima Konwakai shi)  
We present a new class of EUV antimony carboxylate photoresists with enhanced reactivity and contrast, through the substitution of heteroatoms into the carboxylate. The lithographic performance of (C6H5)3Sb(O2CCH2X)2 photoresists in which X = methoxy, bromine or iodine is presented. The addition of iodine to the photoresist greatly improves dissolution contrast. Utilizing in-situ mass spectrometry, we show how the identity and degree of volatile photoproducts created during EUV exposure change with the composition of the heteroatom.
doi:10.2494/photopolymer.34.81 fatcat:wwhrdbhzwvauphvq5kou5sovl4