The influence of disturbances and noise of normal distribution on the correctness of geological interpretation of seismic sections with increased resolution

Halina Jędrzejowska-Tyczkowska
2015 Nafta - gaz : miesiecznik poswiecony nauce i technice w przemysle  
Exploration for hydrocarbons is moving toward increasingly challenging areas, where current seismic imaging methods are reaching their limits. In complex geology, the conventional seismic approaches may fail and result in non-negligible in interpretation and geological model building. One of the problem which seriously disturb the correctness of data interpretation is the presence of noise and different perturbations, particularly when high resolution techniques were applied before. Even when
more » ... ing the most advanced methods of noise suppression or elimination, some signatures of noisy components remain within the processed data. Moreover, any attempt to attenuate these "artefacts" results in also attenuating real reflecting events. The paper presents one of the important problems that substantially affect the legibility and correctness of seismic sections interpretations, where procedures were applied to increase the resolution via widening the frequency range of the complex spectral characteristic. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of disturbances, which can result from the application of the procedure for complex modification of a seismic record of the spectral characteristic. The fact that various geological environments generate different types of disturbances is an important problem, which primarily makes disturbances analysis difficult. Their common feature is their very unsystematic nature, and hence diverse disturbances value distributions, which can interfere with the input wave field, subject to modification, in various ways − both constructively and destructively. Hence the resultant wave field may contain both additional real information about the environment's structure, and may also present an image resulting, inter alia, from the unintended elimination of actual reflections. The paper discusses the issue of normal distribution disturbances (so-called white noise). Despite the already very rich bibliography devoted to increasing seismic data resolution, the issue of disturbances is marginally considered, first of all due to the difficulties with formulating observations of a general nature.
doi:10.18668/ng2015.12.01 fatcat:o7ahgcocurbbxdnrhaj4uukzwq