Native Smartphone Single- and Dual-Frequency GNSS-PPP/IMU Solution in Real-World Driving Scenarios

Ding Yi, Sihan Yang, Sunil Bisnath
2022 Remote Sensing  
The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) capability in smartphones has seen significant upgrades over the years. The latest ultra-low-cost GNSS receivers are capable of carrier-phase tracking and multi-constellation, dual-frequency signal reception. However, due to the limitations of these ultra-low-cost receivers and antennas, smartphone GNSS position solutions suffer significantly from urban multipath, poor signal reception, and signal blockage. This paper presents a novel sensor fusion
more » ... echnique using Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and the inertial sensors in smartphones, combined with a single- and dual-frequency (SFDF) optimisation scheme for smartphones. The smartphone is field-tested while attached to a vehicle's dashboard and is driven in multiple real-world situations. A total of five vehicle experiments were conducted and the solutions show that SFDF-PPP outperforms single-frequency PPP (SF-PPP) and dual-frequency PPP (DF-PPP). Solutions can be further improved by integrating with native smartphone IMU measurements and provide consistent horizontal positioning accuracy of <2 m rms through a variety obstructions. These results show a significant improvement from the existing literature using similar hardware in challenging environments. Future work will improve optimising inertial sensor calibration and integrate additional sensors.
doi:10.3390/rs14143286 fatcat:h5qfgt3nhjbmxcip6puknvryeu