Effects of gravity and chewing on bolus position at swallow onset

Koichiro MATSUO, Eiichi SAITOH, Seiko TAKEDA, Mikoto BABA, Wataru FUJII, Keiko ONOGI, Mie OKUI, Hiroshi UEMATSU, Jeffrey B PALMER
The Japanese Journal of Dysphagia Rehabilitation  
Effects of gravity and chewing on bolus position at swallow onset 松尾浩一郎1)・2),才藤 栄一),武田 斉子1),馬場 尊1),藤井 航1), 小野木啓子1),奥井 美枝1),植松 宏2),Jefiirey B. Palmer 3)
doi:10.32136/jsdr.6.2_179 fatcat:c2dn466rknf2nfb2kh2ptfaoi4