Non-Lorentzian avatars of (1,0) theories

N. Lambert, T. Orchard
2021 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We construct five-dimensional non-Lorentzian Lagrangian gauge field theories with an SU(1, 3) conformal symmetry and 12 (conformal) supersymmetries. Such theories are interesting in their own right but can arise from six-dimensional (1, 0) superconformal field theories on a conformally compactified Minkowski spacetime. In the limit that the conformal compactification is removed the Lagrangians we find give field theory formulations of DLCQ constructions of six-dimensional (1, 0) conformal field theories.
doi:10.1007/jhep02(2021)205 fatcat:pljgzv62szgc3pefwuyzufmd2u