دور مصادر المعلومات الصحية في تشکيل الوعي الصحي لطالبات جامعة الازهر The role of health information sources in shaping the health awareness of female students at Al-Azhar University

أسماء مصطفى محمود عبد العظيم
2021 مجلة قطاع الدراسات الإنسانیة  
University rely on access to health information and the role of these sources in shaping the health awareness of female students of Al-Azhar University. This study is a descriptive study and the researcher applied a questionnaire form to a sample of female students of Al-Azhar University and the results were analyzed statistically. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which is that the Internet is one of the most sources of health information on which students of
more » ... University rely in obtaining health information, as the results showed that the level of health awareness for female students of Al-Azhar University was average, as the study found that the health pages on social media sites and continuous visits to health centers the most influential sources of information in the formation of health awareness for students of Al-Azhar University.
doi:10.21608/jsh.2021.211011 fatcat:tszirrvijnhkporj3zblgacc3m