Antecedents of Change Management Determinants on Operational Efficiency of Public Universities in Kenya
Journal of strategic management
Operation efficiency of many public universities in Kenya has been poor. Hence, the study examined the antecedents of change management and operational efficiency of public universities in Kenya. The specific objectives were to examine the effect of change leadership, technological factors and resource allocation on operational efficiency of public universities in Kenya. The study was a literature-based review. It was found that the antecedents of change management can include change
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... technology factors and resource allocation. The extent of the change leadership, technology factors and resource allocation influence the direction of the change administration. The study concluded that change leadership includes bringing together the resources allocated toward meeting the change efforts. The effectiveness of the change leadership has a positive impact on the operation efficiency. The change leadership is to develop strategies and policies that can be used for any strategy implementation. The effectiveness of change leadership provides high leadership commitment, accountability and change management expertise. Technological change has an impact on all organizations and impacts operational efficiency positively. Technological change is a critical requirement for strategic planning in change management. The introduction of the technology is deemed to improve users' efficiency, thus increasing operating efficiency. Resource allocation is one of the critical determinants of change management and influences operation efficiency positively. The resource allocation is based on budgetary allocation, financial considerations and scheduling available resources. The study recommended that change leadership in the universities needs to understand why the organization needs to change/critical purposes. The leadership needs to be practical to ensure employees follow the change plans to prevent deviating from the change process. The employees need to be enlightened on the organization's technological changes to ensure that changes are implemented thoroughly and smoothly. The universities need to allocate financial resources for strategic planning implementation. An organization should plan ahead of the change process and the resource required to ensure that it determines the changes that need to be made and how long it will take to get them done. Resource allocation need to be effectively and economically to accomplish goals.