Charismatische Legitimation durch genealogische Sukzession : zur Begründung legitimer hierokratischer Herrschaft im buddhistischen Orden [article]

Christoph Kleine, University, My, University, My
This article applies Max Weber's concept of »charisma« to the historic development of the Japanese Buddhist order from its introduction in the sixth century through the thirteenth century. Establishing that from its beginning the transmission of the original charisma of Säkyamuni Buddha continually served as füe foundation of hierocratic authority, and that under the influence of the Chinese ordering principle of »familism«, the Japanese Buddhist order adopted the social form of a clan
more » ... g of different lineages and family branches, it argues that the »genealogical succession« ofthe »charisma of the office« transmitted within a succession of authorized lineage holders was the only valid basis for legitimate authority. However, this continuity was disrupted during the thirteenth century by religious figures, such as the monk Hönen (1133-1212), who were believed to possess a genuine personal charisma and thus partially correspond with Max Weber's ideal type »prophet«. They were believed to possess genuine personal charisma, propagated new systematic doctrines, and imposed a specific religious habitus upon their followers. The heated disputes between the Buddhist establishment and these »prophets« (or »heretics« from the perspective of the establishment) as to whether »charisma« could only be legitimately transmitted within the established succession of authorized lineage holders offer insights into earlier Buddhist concepts of »charismatic authority« and its legitimation through the genealogical succession of bearers of charisma.
doi:10.15496/publikation-32896 fatcat:t3i2soiikjex3o2lp2fzr7j7pa