Bipolar Pulse Current Magnetizer for Driving a Magnetization Reversal Motor

Kyosuke Shimo, Keiji Wada
2022 IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications  
Magnetization reversal motors (MRMs) have been proposed as motors with lower power losses. MRMs comprise the same configuration as interior permanent magnet synchronous motors; however, a low coercive force core is applied to the stator. Driving an MRM requires a pulse current for magnetizing the stator core. In this paper, a bipolar pulse current magnetizer is proposed for driving MRMs Moreover, the relationship between passive components is reported in terms of voltage, current, and circuit
more » ... nstant. Finally, this paper presents experimental verification of the proposed magnetizer using an inductive load to simulate a single phase of an MRM.
doi:10.1541/ieejjia.22000978 fatcat:sogrpovfbjcpnnp5zcwindw7pe