The Nanaimo Free Press [Friday, February 27, 1931]
(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My
MIN and BILL" ■ N'-JW ShowihR at CAPITOL fifty-seventh year. o. tk. s~. Pn«~> •« uni ■UU*' c,*. cpMi B-ii^ w-*r. a>b OnHie OtM i> "naalof Toaa" •INDIANS ARE COMING* CAPITOL NANAIMO. VANOHjVER ISLVND. BRIT^ COLUMBIA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 27. im NlAfiER 268. SOVIET COAL BANNED FROM CANADA Thousands are Left Homeless By Terrific Hurricane Which Swept the Fiji Islands Lately Suva, Fiji, Feb. 27.--Wi{h at least 280. including five Europeans dead, this South Sea island group turned today to the task of
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... ding hundreds of the injured and thousands left homeless by a terrific hurricane and a flood which raged for more than 24 hours last Sat urday and Sunday. Most of the victims were Fijians or East Indians. Unconfirmed reports from Sigatoka District said one hundred per sons were drowned by the floods. woM mss IN mOBE CNSE IS STMNGI® COSIOMS STUFF CB.»100(I Nm iCCOND NOW EXPECTED Rome, Fell. 27.-British and Italun naval experts spent six hours yester-<;.i> sliafflinff papes warships from ra-teKory to category in thetr search for a settlement satisfactory to Italy and I-ranco'Iialian naval differences. In the meantime the British foreign mmister. Ri. Hon. Arthur Henderson, and At. Hnn. A. V. Alexander, first lord of the Admiralty, who headed the British peace-making mission, called Premier Mussolini and discussed the pending settlement with him. It was undersUxNl they, acquainted him thoronghly with the terms of the provin cial accord reached between France biid Great Britain, adheskm to which Now York, FcO. 27.-Murder stalked yesterday into an investigation into alleged graft bribery and judicial cor ruption which had been agitating New York for months. Vivian Gccdon. 32. M^ed'haired artist who had promised to reveal a ' frame-up"* by a police offi cer. was taken for a ride and stran-Last night detectives were combing the city for a long U*t of men named hi three dairies discovered in her luxuriinit apartment. 'One was found and detained tor tpjcstiimitig. but detec* tivci kept his name secret. -F«« b«t On* Man** "I fear but one man and he is-" the girl had written concerning him. Besides the diary police found sev eral humffed lore letters from men. ■SlLOfri in b<.nd« and paj>cr» indicating kc victim had wide business inter ests. AnothCT clue wa.< furnished by a taxi driver who said that in the dark hmits before dawn he porsued into the park a cab in winch a screaming wi-man was struggling with two men. 'The c«») disappeared on the road near uhich the body was found. Vivian Gordon, once a reformatory mma'.e. was hiuod dead in Van Cort-Undl Park, one dehcately manicured -hand clutching a ckUhesline with whkh she had been strangled. Police Commissionef Mulrooney ordere«l that Patrolman Mclxmghlin.who arrested the woman eight years ago on a vice charge, be questioned about the artcAt. . Mulrooney said McLoughlin had been the partner of a plain clothes man suspnded as the result of a vice case now under investigation. On Feb. 7 a letter had come to Isldot J. Krcl.1, (wnicr involimlof »( the nu,Mrat«> ctnirH. who>e ..I «>»le -(ranting" ol ofmrn by ll.r tier .quad had ca« a pall ol Kandal tlver Ihr court, and police. "I havc'"«rnie inloetnatient in con* neetion with a Iramc-ui. hy a police ■dlicer and other, which I betieee wtU he of great aid to >'>ii in your invelt:gatk.n," it read. "I ■ would appreilaie an mterview at year eatlieit contenirnce." It was signed ViVian Gordon. She asked li. call last Friday, but fail-«*l ti. at»j.ear or to send word. \Vind»ur. Om.. ^^b. 27.-Keorgani*. alion id the custom staff at the poet ol Windsor was forecast last night as the result of the investigation just con cluded hy Inspector Jackson, of the Dcparlmrnt of Natural Revenue. HJSTEROFFlCinC TMDiFOUNDDElD COE finis ' ON SlTdDIT bed when he eminent two false. shoiACapoi tie WM was ro y-^i H 4 Seattle, Feb. 27.-Capt. R. V. Scobk of Vancouver. B. C, aopercargo of the steamer Pacific ' Trader, was found dead, hanging by a green sUk curtain cord in hiv cabin here today. The ship arrived from Vancouver last night. Scoble was 38 years old, and survived by a family at Vaneoover. Members ol the crew recalled an odd incident in which Scoble wras in volved before the ship left Vancouver. Three of the crew, they said were in a "pnb" »t Vancoover at sailtng time. Captain McCracken wanted to leave them but Scoble persuaded him to let him get the seamen and bring them, inc was ill and in | though they remonstrated riotsously, wanted by the gov-lack to the boat Capt McCracken ago was glaringly said he liad not sees Capt Scoble since tea time last night. At that time be had seemed in high starita. Scoble's collar and tie were b'ing <« a chafr near the door. 'The cabin door was not locked. On hii berth were ly ing his cargo papers and alongside them papers on which he bad appar ently done considerable figuring. SIB Cl INCOflllDTOF B.S. EDUCE Washingtoo, Feb. 27.-After a night •pent in the custody of Federal offtcals, Sir Charles L. Ross, weahhy Scottish baronet today was arrangxng a hundred thousand dolhur boisd in a suit for maintenance brought by his wife, Lady Patricia Rosa Lady Rou, daughter of Andred EBisuo, of Loulawas a multi ;h7;;i'me™;;tii;;k tw;RibV7nd oo^ l«>aire. bad mooi .ere. of ^» Association struggles arc to be staged. Scotland, extensive holdmgi in Canada The inieniational rugby fixtures are: and the United Stalca and was a Ireland vs. ScutUnd, at DubUo; and ufaciurr-invcntor of the Rou nfle, at one time used by the (Aoadlan army. I.ondon. Feb. 27-The British Isles on Saturday will be plunged into a welter of football matches. Besides | league soccer games. Englam^ and Scottish Cup ties will be pUyed. while 'iHe. Ky.. said her husband i ________■___. ___ ____ a ' m;itio.iairr had RXI.OOO acres Editor Free Press: Sir.-Y*mr enrrespondem '■Commer cial Traveller*' stems to call for a rc-1 h'frimi head«iuarlcrs. and may I say that 'udt intcrot in and criticism of affairs, r*>roing from an outsider is j»f>l unwelcome. Someone has an eye the beautiful, a viritm of the i>ossi-...... .......... _ _ bibties on such a site in the heart of still in the running. The Sc-«wir city, and a deep concern lest the -Division is represented by Third ..pjmrtunity should be missed. Th<^ Lanark and Bonesi in the third round. pe.^.lc who arc closely in touch with *j-j,p draw follows; Wales \>. France, at Swansea. Wales and Ireland clash in Wales in an interi.atii>nal soccer osatch. Tne English cup ties are in the rixth round of this competition, and four games will be played Of the eight teams engaged, only three are in the First Division, so that a final with no smtc»r club imolvtd. an unprecedented thing in recent times, is possible. The draw is as follows: . '^undcrland vs. Exeter City. W. Bromwich vs. Wolverhampton Wanderers. Evertun v*. Southport. Birmingham vs. Chelsea. In Scotland Ihe fourth round df the cup competition has been reached, vrith eight games being played Such teams as Celtic. Aberdeen, Motherwell and Kilmarnock, of the Scottish First Disi-Sir Charles said he nad esublished EDISON fiiSIS NQMDDT R1 iNNEIS New York, Feb. 27.-Poison gaa has entered the mm vanning business. Two coast guardsmen lay ill of hs effects today. Shortly after physicians diagnosed the gnardtmen's illness, government officiab learned that the tanks and boat from which the toxic vapen cuae Ottawa Prttts IVo^cts Soviet Mines and ForeÔ llawa, Feb. 27.-Importation into Canada from Soviet Rania of coal, wood pulp, pulp wood funlier and timbei of all kinA. a^ beatof and fun, fiai been prohdnted by an Ordei-in-CouncU, Ho*. E. B. Ryckman, Minuter of National Revenue, announced thii after noon foUowing a cabinet meeting. ' "Tbe Government." Mr. Ryckman declared in a rtalement, B conviiKed that there u forced labor in cutting and Daiwport of tiattr and in the mining of coal, that political prtMmen are exploited, that the itaodard of living ii below any level conceived of in Canada, and that broadly qieaking aD emiJoyment it in cooDol of the Otiinim'wt Government which regulatet all conditions of it and teeb to mipote its will upon the whole world." The statement proceeds: "This is Communism. Ht creed and iu fruits, which we as a country mat refuse to tigiport by an interchange of trade." NDTED lUMIID HDENEm >■"" •*" * ^; h. . chSK esriT jertentor nwraing ha4 wife uncicr which she received ^SJXIO yearly. tur affairs are alive to the i>ossibiHties ?n l anxious to make the must of them, hui it win be apparent to our friends lhal tb s disaster overlook us at a very tlifncuU lime, -o far as finances are funcerned. If we havr appeared to be abnornuklh ik?w in re-establishing our* ;clves, this proulcro of finance must be taken into consideration. It seem ed to be a very bad lime to appeal to the public ft,r the necessary funds alllimigb frv.m our experience, there never was a good time to appeal for a ehurcb .Aiunbcr .J.-staclc to progre** l".v been the difficulty of gcttinR un-REFORMATORIES . .... . S foimatu. I ;> hot a.......... a«.l io«>*lu«:tivc UIhu. Prisoners will .i"r," an.l ikil. ii. the il, comliturncy. Celtic v». .Aberdeen, Third l-anark vs. St. Mirren. I'owtlenbcath vs. Motherwell. Boness vs. Kilmarnock. be pr«>vi,Uf! with g«>KKles to prevent ibr il.-ngir i t^ejr injury.