Impact of climate and land use change on water resources, crop production and land degradation in a semi-arid area (using remote sensing, GIS and hydrological modeling) [thesis]

Rafiei Emam Ammar
The present thesis "Impact of climate and land use change on water resources, crop production and land degradation in a semi-arid area (using remote sensing, GIS and hydrological modeling)" has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Göttingen (Germany). The main supervisor was Professor Martin Kappas and the second supervisor was Prof. Dr. Gerharld Gerold. The thesis contains an introduction with objectives and research questions as
more » ... ll as a general literature review, a summary of characteristics of the study area, four manuscripts and finally a summary and conclusion.
doi:10.53846/goediss-5030 fatcat:tjxjz3lgefcfpitdoyzb7xxqqa