The Evolution of Innovation Policies in Thailand:The Significance of Incremental Progress Based on Future-oriented Visions

Ema Tanaka
Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies  
This paper focuses on the new development of innovation policy in Thailand, focusing on the policy making process and the scope of jurisdiction of MDES and MHESI which are reorganized in the late 2010's. The significance of the development of related administrative systems is discussed from the perspective of future-oriented vision and gradual institutional reform since 2000's. This paper concluded that the Thai government's continuous efforts in related policies such as innovation policy,
more » ... istrative organization reform, legal system development, and human resource development have promoted Thailand's shift to a digital economy and society, and have positively affected the country's international competitiveness.
doi:10.57278/wiapstokyu.43.0_171 fatcat:h56bgxmqtzcj3egtxw5nccvfgq