The short and long-term implications of warming and increased sea water pCO2 on the physiological response of a temperate neogastropod species [post]

Maria Loreto Mardones, Sven Thatje, Phillip Fenberg, Chris Hauton
2021 unpublished
Global average temperatures and sea water pCO2 have rapidly increased due to the oceanic uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide producing severe consequences for a broad range of species. The impacts on marine ectotherms have been largely reported at short-term scales (i.e. from days to weeks); however, the prolonged effects on long-term processes such as reproduction have received little attention. The gastropod Ocenebra erinaceus is a key predator structuring communities on rocky shores of the
more » ... rench and UK coasts. Even though rocky shore species are regarded as being very tolerant to changes in temperature and pH, many of them are living near their upper tolerance limits, making them susceptible to rapid environmental changes. Here, we report that future mean sea water conditions (RCP8.5, + 3°C and ~ 900 µatm CO2) do not significantly affect the physiology and molecular response of O. erinaceus adults after 132 days. During the first fifty-days, there was a slight impact on oxygen consumption rates and body weight; however, after ninety-five days of exposure, gastropods relied on food resources to fully acclimate to the experimental condition. Despite this, it was after long-term exposure (~ 10 months) reproduction ceased in females exposed to these future sea water conditions. Therefore, in the short-term O. erinaceus appear to be capable of full compensation; however, in the long-term, they fail to invest in reproduction. Future research should take into account the combined results from both, short- and long-term effects to improve our projections of the ecological consequences of climate change.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:k3wfxcz6qrdptgg3tpsr2673ae