Surgical correction of congenital anomalies in a neonatal lamb: a case report

Z.T. Abd-Almaseeh, A.H. Allawi, F.M. Mohammed
2012 Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences  
A newborn male lamb 2 days age brought at surgical Department of Veterinary Teaching Hospital -University of Mosul with a history of no defecation and urination. Depend on the clinical, physical and ultrasonographic examinations, the condition was diagnosed as different congenital anomalies of urogenital system (absence of penis, urethra and the scrotal raphae was abnormally prominent, dividing the scrotal sac into two halves, each one with a testicle) associated with atresia ani et recti.
more » ... cal corrections of these different congenital anomalies performed with colostomy and cystostomy operation as emergency case. The animal dies after the second operative day. This paper report a new type of different congenital anomalies in a newborn lamb did not mentioned in other literature yet and the surgical correction adopted for the anomalies.
doi:10.33899/ijvs.2012.168683 fatcat:dcnqtrvwnfgsfogtmbkoaq7nze