Climate Change, Food Security and Agriculture, a term-based correlation analysis

Luiza-Florentina Zăpucioiu, Vlad-Constantin Turcea, Mahmoud Tarhini
2022 Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence  
This conference paper is an introductory study on the relationship and the nature of the linkage between climate change, agriculture and food security as seen across three different perspectives. The first perspective is the definition of food security and how it related to climate change and agricultural activities, the second perspective is the definition of agricultural activities and how are they linked with climate and food production/consumption and the third perspective of climate change
more » ... and how it is contributing to the risk assessment studies conducted to evaluate and improve food security and enhance agricultural activity by utilizing sustainable methods and environmentally friendly practices. The study has been undertaken to fulfill the research scope. Conclusions closed with listing the importance and the impacts of climatic changes, agricultural practices and resilient food security measurements
doi:10.2478/picbe-2022-0047 fatcat:gmqo5sy4wfgshm262oallwyw74