«The Tiny Library» (1877–1880) I. Franko's as one an example of a successful communicative interaction in a cultural context

Liliia Syrota
2018 Obraz  
The article is devoted to the study of the publishing activity of Ivan Franko in the second half of the 1870's, in particular the book series «The Tiny Library». A books I. Franko's became a research object. His epistolary heritage was analyzed. The article deals on the processes of formation and functioning of the book series «The Tiny Library» in XIX century. The article talks about the stages of work in the series, such as the translation of texts, the search for sources of funding, change
more » ... the thematic, as well as reasons of the closing the series. Among the basic methods of research is analise of the historical and bibliographical sources, monographs, articles and letters, and so on. It gave an opportunity to find the necessary information in letters to M. drahomanov, O. Roshkevych, M. Pavlyk, information about the aktivities I. Franko's in general which is located in on-line. In the article defined basic directions of publishing activities of Ivan Franko during 1877-1880 years.
doi:10.21272/2415-8496-2018-1(27)-161-169 fatcat:o3kvpce2uvc2big5bc4fxd5vga