Use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction to Detect Legionella DNA in Urine and Serum Samples from Patients with Pneumonia

D. R. Murdoch, E. J. Walford, L. C. Jennings, G. J. Light, M. I. Schousboe, A. Y. Chereshsky, S. T. Chambers, G. I. Town
1996 Clinical Infectious Diseases  
Legionella pneumonia can be difficult to diagnose. Existing laboratory tests for detecting Legionella species lack sensitivity or provide only a retrospective diagnosis. We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers that amplify a 104-base pair segment of the coding region of the SS rRNA gene to detect Legionella DNA in urine and serum samples from patients with pneumonia. Stored urine and serum samples from patients enrolled in two prospective studies of pneumonia were tested.
more » ... ella DNA was detected in urine and/or serum samples from 18 (64%) of 28 patients with legionella pneumonia diagnosed by conventional tests, but it was not detected in urine or serum samples from 24 patients with pneumonia due to other organisms. The sensitivity of PCR improved to 73% if testing was restricted to samples taken within 4 days of the onset of symptoms. Detection of Legionella DNA in urine and serum promises to be a valuable tool for the rapid diagnosis of legionella pneumonia.
doi:10.1093/clinids/23.3.475 pmid:8879767 fatcat:fixtk7ebxrazznqb74q7p2crym