The growth of beta phase in the gamma-brass–copper diffusion couple
Rast beta faze v difuzijskem paru gama medenina – baker

Adhurim Hoxha, Dietrich Heger
2017 Materiali in Tehnologije  
In this work we make a quantitative investigation of the growth of the b-phase in the g-brass/copper diffusion couple. The diffusion couple was produced by electrolysis. The analysis of multiphase diffusion in the g-brass/copper system was based on using the concentration-depth profiles provided by electron micro-beam analyzer. The growth constant of the b-phase for each of the used temperatures was calculated from the time dependency of the b-phase thickness. Using the Matano method it was
more » ... ible to calculate the interdiffusion coefficient of Zn in the b-phase. The activation energy for the diffusion of Zn in the b-phase was also determined. V delu je prikazana kvantitativna preiskava rasti b-faze v difuzijskem paru g-medenina-baker. Difuzijski par je bil izdelan z elektrolizo. Analiza difuzije v ve~faznem difuzijskem sistemu g-medenina-baker temelji na uporabi profilov koncentracija-globina, dobljenih z elektronskim mikroanalizatorjem. Konstanta rasti b-faze pri vsaki od uporabljenih temperatur je bila izra~unana iz~asovne odvisnosti debeline b-faze. Z uporabo Matano metode je bilo mogo~e izra~unati koeficiente nasprotnosmerne difuzije Zn v b-fazi. Dolo~ena je bila tudi aktivacijska energija za difuzijo Zn v b-fazi. Klju~ne besede: system g-medenina-baker, rast intermetalnih zlitin, difuzija v ve~faznem sistemu, koeficienti nasprotnosmerne difuzije, aktivacijska energija
doi:10.17222/mit.2015.277 fatcat:3ti4uprsz5a3ha2lkoxhqme6bm