Bioinformatic analysis of RpoH sigma factors from the anoxygenic phototrophic Rhodobacter species

Karli Geethanjali, K Madhuri, Ramchander Merugu
2015 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research   unpublished
The composition of alanine, leucine, glutamic acid and arginine was the highest while lowest concentrations of histidine, threonine and phenylalanine and tryptophan. Cysteine was not found in any of the Rpo H sigma factors. There was no much variation in the content in proline and histidine of all the sigma factors. The number of negative charged residues is more compared to positively charged residues. The instability index of all the sigma factors was also same the highest being that of sigma
more » ... factor sgf2. It was less than 40 showing that most of them are stable. Aliphatic index was found to span within a range of 82 to 87.