Theoretical Analysis of On-chip Vertical Hybrid Plasmonic Nanograting [post]

Mandeep Singh
2021 unpublished
a CMOS compatible photonic-plasmonic waveguide with nanoscale optical confinement has been proposed for the infrared (IR)-band applications. The design is based on the multilayer hybrid plasmonic waveguide (Si-SiO2-Au) structure. The 3D-finite element method (FEM) numerical simulation of single slot HPWG confirms 2.5 dB/cm propagation loss and 15 um− 2 confined intensity. Moreover, its application as dual-slot nanograting is studied which shows better propagation length and ultra-low dispersion
more » ... near the 1550 nm wavelength. Hence, proposed low-dispersion design is suitable for future on-chip nanophotonic components in the IR band.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:gkvmpwk5hfhvvoiuxbcukohvcq