1Dr Muhammad Nawaz,2Dr Muhammad Yousuf Nawaz,3Dr Ghulam Mujtaba.
2020 Zenodo  
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) relates to the systemic inflammation and higher risk of cardiovascular and chronic kidney disease. Cystatin C (Cyst C) is a unique biological marker of xboth latent renal damage and cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this research was to measure levels of serum of Cyst C, in addition to IL-8 and CRP, in unhealthy OSAS patients. Methods used for this study includes 82 individuals examined with polysomnography for OSAS symptoms without known
more » ... s were recruited tentatively. The results showed that as per to apnea hypopnea index (AHI) subjects were partitioned in two groups: one was OSAS group (AHI > 5/hour, n=61) and other one was controls (AHI < 5/hour, n=21), which were age- and BMI-matched. Higher Cyst C levels was seen in OSAS group than in control group (1175.12 +/- 350.30 versus 935.60 +/- 242.83 ng/mL, resp.; p= 0.017) however the levels of IL-8 and CRP very almost the same. Cyst V levels was found to have a positive correlation with the respiratory disturbance index (r = 0.239, p = 0038) and the percentage rate of oxygen<89.9% (r = 0.291, p = 0.02), and a negative correlation with the oxygen saturation while sleeping (r = -0.292, p = 0.013). The only independent predictor for Cyst C levels was RDI, when the age and BMI were adjusted (β = 0.256, p = 0.038). The result concluded that Cyst C levels are higher in the OSAS patients without comorbidities, proposing and expanded renal and cardiovascular disease hazard.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4394696 fatcat:3jyvnvefjngy7iwbdfchkgdkua