Idiopathic Recurrent Meningitis-A Rare Presentation of Congenital Peri lymphatic Fistula

Anand R
2020 Scholarly Journal of Otolaryngology  
Perilymph fistula is caused by an abnormal communication between the perilymph space and the middle ear. It can either be congenital or acquired. In patients presenting with idiopathic bacterial meningitis, we as otolaryngologists should have a high index of suspicion towards peri lymphatic fistula. Nowadays, with screening of newborn with Computed Tomography temporal bone , inner ear malformations have been diagnosed more often without any signs of meningitis. We here present a case of
more » ... al perilymph fistula in a pediatric patient with recurrent episodes of idiopathic meningitis. A brief review of the literature on this entity confirms the difficulty of making a definitive diagnosis in most cases.
doi:10.32474/sjo.2020.04.000198 fatcat:4jwnilahrfgijk7wvg7w77nzpq