Physico-chemical and sensory evaluation: a case study of the products prepared in Pakistan mineral water and bottling plant, Swabi

Nabila Khan
2016 Pure and Applied Biology  
Physico-chemical and sensory evaluation: a case study of the products prepared in Pakistan mineral water and bottling plant, Swabi. Pure and Applied Biology. Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp942-949. http://dx. Abstract Beverage intake has become one of the most important parts of our daily life. Most of the liquid requirements are being fulfilled by soft drinks. It has the following phases of production, compounding of ingredients, water treatment, bottle washing, syrup mixing and quality control. This
more » ... is related with the carbonated soft drinks being prepared in Pakistan Mineral Water Bottling Plant Gadoon Swabi. Specific standards were there to maintain the quality of the products including different zones for water treatment passing through raw water for the removal of alkalinities and hardness of water. First step of water treatment taking place in reaction tank followed by chemical addition at a specific ratio and then the water is allowed to pass through the buffer tank. Sand filter is used to remove the suspended particles and the water is then allowed to pass through the carbon tank where the carbon in the tank remove the chlorine from water and passed the water to the polisher. In the polisher the spools are present from which the water is filtered. And finally water is passed from the Ultra Violet rays to minimize any microbial activity and then the treated water has been passed to syrup room for preparation of the syrup for different products. Storage tank has the function to check the brix value of the solution and then the concentrates are added at a specific ratio i.e. citric acid, sodium benzoate and sodium citrate. Carbo-cooler is used to cool and dilute the syrup. Liquid ammonia is used for cooling purpose and carbon dioxide is also added in carbo cooler. Before filling, capping and coding of the packages are made as per recommended standards.
doi:10.19045/bspab.2016.50119 fatcat:wmrj4sebd5aexkapzmmosvzqpa